Welcome to my sophomore blogging effort! If you have read my family's journey (which can still be accessed at daniellechase.blogspot.com) through cancer, then I hope you enjoy this blog which is about life after my mother's remission.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Just Because You're In Remission...

On September 15th, we were informed that my mom was officially in remission! And like anyone would assume, we were beyond elated. After the bout with Ovarian cancer, I think all five of us were ready to put the cancerous Spring and Summer behind us and delve back into our "regular lives."

Maybe we were just naive... Perhaps we were delusional... Or maybe we were (read as "are" because we still are) just optimistic, but I think that everyone here in the Chase homestead thought that on September 16th we would wake up to find my mom with her hair fully grown in and kickin' with the strength of that of 12 mules. As lovely as it was/is to know that my mom no longer has cancer living within her body, she is still living the repercussions of having been a host for such a terrible disease. That being said, her hair is not long and blonde and flowing-- yet. And no, she is not a ball of energy--yet.

See here is the deal: remission means no cancer. And no cancer is FABULOUS! However, it DOES NOT MEAN BACK TO NORMAL. So that being said, this here blog is going to be full of completely thrilling (I'm sure) stories about the Chase's (specifically mom) post-Ovarian cancer.