2010 was a roller coaster ride from the get-go. This time last year my Aunt Michelle and Uncle Scott were pregnant with their first child, Kian. We le
arned that their baby-to-be was at the hands of Spinabifida, a complication in their pregnancy, which basically means the baby's spine was exposed and therefore making his nerves exposed in the womb. Doctors cautioned us that Kian may never walk. Kian was born on February 2, 2010... the youngest Chase in our immediate family by 18 years. He was rushed into surgery immediately after birth to fuse his spine. Almost a year later, Kian has been defeating the odds everyday. He is crawling and well on his way to walking. Kian has baby-talked his way into our hearts this year. He has been more than a joy to get to know and he is just one example of the miracles we've been blessed to experience in 2010.

Shortly after Kian's arrival, which irnoically happened at Magees Women's Hospital, my family learned of my mother's Ovarian Cancer diagnosis. The irony here is in February we were celebrating Kian's birth on the second floor of Magees and on Easter, my family was back on the second floor spending time with my mother who had just had a full hysterectomy as well as the removal of her appendix, splean, uterus and a quarter size of her liver. From March until September we all watched my mother strongly endure chemo-therapy. It was a brutal several months, but on September 15th my mother was officially in remission! Another miracle our family has been lucky enough to experience.
While mom is still working through the druthers (soreness, exhaustion, trying to get her hair to grow back more quickly, etc.) of post-chemo irritants, she is happy and healthy and we are very relieved!
2010 was one crazy year for us, albeit full of miracles, we are anticipating 2011 to be much less... stressful?!
Happy New Year! Have fun & be safe!!!