My mother has always had awesome hair. To the right is a picture of her before she was diagnosed with cancer, still sporting her famous blonde locks in a photo just before the boys went to Homecoming in Fall of 2009(Andrew on the left, Zach on the right).
In March of 2010 mom got diagnosed with stage 3C Ovarian Cancer. Since May 2010 mom has been sporting a wig, albeit this wig had a striking resemblance to the style which she had prior to her diagnosis--it was still a wig. It was constantly causing her grief: was it on straight? Was she sporting a comb-over? Was her hairline receding without her knowing? Was the back of it sticking straight out? Would the wind whip it off? With removable hair any combo of these scenarios was completely possible. Between Dad, Zach, Andrew, Grandma and myself we were able to keep mom's wig in place, the part where it should be, hair line naturally placed and the back of it laying flat. Below is a picture of Mom and Dad at lunch in June 2010, mom sporting her wig. Pretty dang close to her real hair style, but still not the same.

It is here where I must digress. I no longer feel terrible when I wake up to hair looking like that of Cruella Deville, styled by Edward Scissor Hands. Rather, I just thank God that I have hair poking out of my head. I remind myself of the day I shaved the last of my mother's hair off in May, as it was all falling out anyways-- I think to myself, "Danielle, you may have dark, nasty roots projecting out of your scalp, but at least you have hair that is healthy and growing. (And supposedly dark roots are in, whatever E! News?! When does having undergrowth 12 shades darker than your "natural" hair color resemble anything that can be classified as trendy or, "so-Hollywood?") I often think back to the times when my mom didn't have a speck of hair on her body and yet she was not complaining... even when her wig would slip around on her lil' head and her part would land somewhere in the center on her scalp causing her to resemble a youthful Farrah Faucett.

Monday marked the first day where mom sported a wigless look out in public. And it got rave reviews. Although some of her students did not seem to realize that it was even her until she told them it was her. (Kids, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and if you don't eat it, you will not be energized enough to recognize your teacher--whom you've had for 2+ years.) To the left is her picture with her most recent new 'do which is the perfect frame for her beautiful face. It took a lot of courage for her to whip off the wig for good, march down the halls of HC High School and teach a full day of classes without her "hair." Especially considering that most high school students are very very honest people. But everyone was more than complimentary about her new look (and how could they not be?!) making her adjustment back to a life with "real" hair that much easier.
I'd have to say that seeing mom lose her hair was not easy, but watching it grow back in has been more than fun. Every couple of days/weeks we get to try out a new style!