First of all, Merry Christmas Eve!!! Today is especially emotional because there was a time in March when we did not know if mom would be with us this Christmas. But thanks to all of the doctors and nurses as well as the family & friends who showed their support, mom was able to kick cancer to the curb and be happy & healthy with us this Christmas. And it feel amazing.
Although mom may still be feeling the ramifications of having had such invasive chemotherapy, she is feeling better & looking wonderful! Her hair is still in the process of growing back in (more details on that fiasco in a later post...) and she finally is adorning some new healthy eye lashes too!
This morning it was so refreshing to see her beautiful face in the kitchen brewing up some Sauerkraut for this evenings Polish Festivities. Albeit, I do not enjoy ALL of the traditional foods that come with our families traditional Christmas Eve, which is called Wigilia, it's wonderful just to know that mom is here to share this holiday with us. *Sidebar: for those of you who are unfamiliar with Wigilia, you should just know that all of us Pollocks get together after mass & feast on traditional Polish food, each of which symbolizes a part of Jesus' life. While the visiting with family is wonderful & the homemade pierogis are arguably the most fabulous tasting combination of carbohydrates a girl could possibly imagine indulging in, it is the fried perch and sledjua (I have no idea how to spell it-- but it is basically fish in goop with scales) that turn me away from the buffet and on to the cookies. Oh dear.
Anyway, this holiday my family and are extremely blessed and thankful that God was willing give our family but specifically my mother the strength to beat cancer and therefore will be spending many more Christmas Eve's indulging in traditional Christmas feasts with all of us Pollski's! Wesolych Swia! Merry Christmas!!!
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