With my recent "news" lingering in the rafters of my obsessive compulsive mind, I have finally found some inner peace. But this was not achieved over night. It has been a few days since I have posted because I really wanted to let the facts marinade in my brain. Some conclusions have been made, but mostly I have realized that I am blessed.
I am blessed to have the ability to know that I carry the BRCA gene and therefore can be preventive should I ever notice a change in my body. I am blessed that there will be panel of doctors monitoring me. I am blessed to have family and friends who are supportive. I am blessed to have a strong faith in God.
But one of the conclusions I drew over the past few days, aside from what I've already stated, I am blessed to have a supportive and loving "other half."
I started college in the Fall of 2006. My first class was Psychology 1501 held in large lecture room in Debartlo Hall. With about 150 people filing into the warm lecture hall, I was just hoping to find a good seat. I sat down in the first empty seat I saw, next to a guy who seemed nice enough-- dark brown hair, big greenish/brownish eyes, eyelashes that any woman would envy, green flat brimmed hat (backwards) and some pretty nice high tops. I immediately noticed how cute this guy was, but pretended not to notice. This was my lucky day, I thought to myself.
Class let out and I whipped out my campus map (like a true freshman would). I navigated to Ward Beecher Hall for what would be my first of many English classes. I sat down, pulled out my hot pink folder, matching notebook and pen. Then the really cute guy from Pysch walked in and sat down next to me. I'll admit my stomach did a few flips, but I attempted to play it cool. However, that lasted about 30 seconds because being what I like to refer to as bold (and other's might refer to as obnoxious) I looked over at Mr. Luscious Lashes and said, "Hey, you were just in my Pysch class. My name is Danielle." Luscious Lashes blushed. He responded, "Oh?! Ok. Erm, my name is Corey."
Over the course of the semester we exchanged phone numbers, did homework together and came to the quick realization that we both play sports for YSU. Even more ironically, we quickly learned that we were both on pitching scholarships (he for Baseball and myself for Softball). We began to build what I like to refer to as a flirtatious friendship. But nothing came of it.
A few semesters rolled by and we kept in touch via Facebook, but nothing serious. I briefly dated a schmuck on the Football team. At the same time my Psychology friend, Luscious Lash Lover Boy (Corey), I had found out, was dating some girl from another university. But nevertheless we kept in touch.
Finally, Football schmuck and I broke up. I was briefly devastated. That Fall I stumbled into a Baseball party where I saw my Psychology love, Corey, being a wall flower. Having liquid courage and being newly single, I waltzed (some will argue staggered) up to Corey and reminded him of when we had Psychology and English together. He giggled. Gosh, his laugh is cute, I thought. Then he batted his big long luscious lashes and told me that he was surprised I remembered Freshman year Psych and English because he doubted I would remember this very conversation in the morning. I assured him I would remember.
The next morning while praying to the porcelain God and coming to the conclusion that being legally aloud to consume alcohol does not mean one is responsible enough to hold it all down, my phone began to sing my favorite Third Eye Blind song, Never Let You Go. I flipped open my phone to read the message. "Betcha don't remember talking to me yesterday..." It was Corey! I immediately responded, "Of course I remember!" And I did. I mean geeeze, I wasn't out of control, people!
Anyways, a lot of texting began to happen between myself and Luscious Lash Lover Boy Corey. In fact a few months of going on dates went by and we decided that we should be exclusive.
Two years later we are still going strong.
I am blessed to have Corey in my life. He has been a shoulder to lean on throughout this entire cancer process and now with my BRCA "news" he continues to be rock solid. I don't know where I'd be without him. He is always there for me. He will listen to me babble on and on about my worries but he never ceases to be a voice of reason. He is supportive and loving when I am being a pain in the butt and cranky. He wipes my tears and replaces them with courage and optimistic thoughts. Finding out about the BRCA gene rocked my world for a few days, but he helped me remember why I wanted to know in the first place.
Most guys probably would have run for the hills having seen the emotional side effects that watching my mom go through cancer generated, but not Corey. The harder life gets, the stronger he & I become.
It is often said that girls look for a man similar to their father. I thought it would be impossible to find someone even comparable to my dad. But it is clear that I've found just what I am looking for in Corey.

Gosh darn it, Danielle, you made me cry AGAIN! I'm an "eye woman" and I must admit that Corey's eyes and lashes ARE beautiful. It seems his spirit is as beautiful as his eyes.
ReplyDeleteOMG! this is so wonderful! how lucky you and Corey are and how proud your Dad must be : ) Thank you Danielle for sharing your feelings with us because I am riveted every time!